南通中集太平洋海洋工程有限公司(簡稱CIMC SOE)是一家專注于海洋石油、天然氣行業中液化氣的運輸與存儲,專業制造液化氣船及液貨系統、海工模塊等高端裝備的國際工程公司。公司于2006年創立,2017年8月加盟中集安瑞科(股票代碼:03899.HK),成為中集集團 能源、化工及食品裝備 板塊中的一員。 Nantong CIMC sinopacific offshore & Engineering Co.,ltd (hereinafter referred to asCIMC SOE ) is a international EPC company focuses on the storage and transportation of Liquefied Gas, Gas Carrier, Cargo Handling and offshore module etc. in Oil & Gas field., SOE established in 2006 and joined CIMC Enric (Stock code: 03899.HK) in August 2017 became asubsidiaryof CIMC group’s ‘Energy, Chemical Industry and Food equipment Sector’. 公司是世界中小型液化氣船細分市場的領導者,產品鏈覆蓋LPG、LEG、LNG及全壓式、半冷半壓式系列。公司成立至今,已經交付5000m3LPG、12000 m3LEG、16500 m3LPG、27500 m3MGC、38000 m3LEG等系列船近30艘,全球市場占有率名列前茅;公司也是國內海工模塊建造的先行者,是國內首家通過世界石油巨頭法國道達爾公司審核認證的海工裝備合格供應商,已經交付再氣化模塊、FSPO上部模塊,電氣模塊,甲板室模塊等各類模塊近20個,并成功承接并交付俄羅斯亞馬爾LNG工廠管廊模塊項目。 CIMC SOE is the leader of small and medium scale liquefied gas carrier in global gas carrier segment,, CIMC SOE could provide LPG, LEG, LNG, fully-pressured, semi-refrigerated and semi-pressurized carriers. CIMC SOE has delivered almost 30 vessels including 5000m3LPGC、12000 m3LEGC、16500 m3LPGC、27500 m3MGC、38000 m3LEGC, as the leading ship yard in gas segment; CIMC SOE is also the pioneer of the domestic offshore module fabrication, it’s the first domestic qualified supplier of the TOTAL, has delivered almost 20 various modules, such as LNG Re-gas Module, Topside module on FSPO, Power Generation Module, Deck house, etc., and successfully delivered the LNG Pipe rack module of YAMAL Project in Russia. CIMC SOE加盟中集安瑞科后,作為中集天然氣裝備和服務產業鏈的重要環節,將積極拓展海陸一體化的天然氣凈化、液化、儲存及運輸裝備價值鏈,努力躋身國際一流海工企業行列。 CIMC SOE expands the value chain of the sea-land integrated Natural gas purifying, liquefying, storage and transportation actively as the important segment of CIMC nature gas equipment and service china after being merged into CIMC Enirc Group. CIMC SOE makes effort to be the first class offshore enterprise in the world.